Many students rely on student loans to finance their educations. 美国.S. Department of Education’s federal student loan program is the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program. 根据这一计划,美国政府将.S. 教育部是你的债主.

These loans have low interest rates and do not require credit checks or collateral. Student loans also provide a variety of deferment options and extended repayment terms. There are limits to the amount students can borrow from the Direct Loan programs. There are separate limits for dependent vs. independent and first-year (earned less than 30 hours) vs. second-year (earned more than 30 hours) undergraduate students. All 直接贷款 are either subsidized or unsubsidized.

  • Direct Subsidized Loans are loans made to students who demonstrate financial need to help cover the costs of higher education; the 政府ernment pays the interest on these loans while you’re in school.
  • Direct Unsubsidized Loans are not based on financial need; you pay all the interest accrued on these loans of which you can pay while enrolled or you can allow the interest to capitalize before entering repayment.

联邦贷款的偿还开始于学生毕业后六个月或入学时间低于半学期. 标准还款期限为10年, although one can get access to alternate repayment terms such as extended, 毕业生, 以及基于收入的还款计划. 更多信息请访问 在“管理贷款”选项卡下.

As the Department of Education reported on September 22, 2022, 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院的2019财年官方队列违约率为5%.3% and exceeds the current national average of 2.3%. 联邦拖欠率是为了维持提供联邦学生贷款的能力, colleges must maintain a CDR of less than 30%.

Your eligibility for federal financial aid is subject to specific terms and conditions; this includes student loans. 即使资金已经被授予和/或支付,当有关您资格的新信息可用时,我们也必须遵守联邦法规. If you are awarded loans and subsequently fail to maintain eligibility, 或者我们了解到影响我们对您的奖励资格的初步决定的其他信息, adjustments to your award may be required. 如果调整是必要的,你可能需要偿还部分或全部的资金. 联邦直接贷款资金分为两部分,直接支付给学生账户. Please contact the Business Office for disbursement dates.

澳门线上赌钱官网私人学生贷款的注意事项 -由于CCTC的学费较低 and the high default rate on private loans, 我们认为不认证私人学生贷款符合学生的最大利益.

澳门线上赌钱官网家长PLUS贷款的注意事项 -由于CCTC的学费较低, it is never necessary for parents of dependent students to apply for parent PLUS loans, 哪一种贷款需要信用检查,而且利率比学生贷款高得多. Therefore, we do not participate in this program.

自2021年7月1日起, FAFSA简化法案, part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, repealed the 150% Subsidized Usage Limits requirements. 这意味着,如果你的直接资助贷款的第一次支付是在7月1日或之后, 2021, there is no time limitation on how long you can receive a Direct Subsidized loan. 另外, 你不能因为继续参加一个超过150%公布长度的项目而失去直接补贴贷款资格.

年度及总贷款限额仍适用于资助及非资助直接贷款. 请参阅下表的年度限额(每学年)及总限额(最高贷款债务总额):

First-一年 (classified as earned less than 30 credit hours)$5,500$9,500


Second-一年 (classified as earned 30 or more credits hours$6,500$10,500


Aggregate Loan Limits – Total Max Loan Debt

*No more than $23,000 of the above totals may be in subsidized loans.

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 在学生可以获得任何联邦资金之前,FAFSA和任何其他缺失的信息必须完成并成功处理, 这包括联邦学生贷款. The FAFSA is completed once per academic year.
  2. 报名参加课程. 学生必须注册至少一半时间(6个学分)才有资格获得该学期的联邦学生贷款.
  3. Access and complete the Direct Loan Affirmation Form. In an attempt to minimize unnecessary student debt, 我们要求学生在他们希望获得贷款的每个学期申请贷款资金. There are deadlines in which we will process loan requests for specific terms. Please see these dates at the top of the Direct Loan Affirmation Form.
    • 确认表格会要求申请人提供下列证明文件,以证明申请人已符合下列规定:
      1. 每年学生贷款通知书.
      2. Master Promissory Note (for first-time borrowers).
      3. Entrance Counseling (for first-time borrowers).
    • See below for information on each of these requirements.
    • 24-25直接贷款确认书
  4. Upon graduating, dropping below half-time (6 credits) or withdrawing from a program, 完成退出咨询. 退出咨询是一种尝试,让你意识到你即将偿还贷款, 条款和可用选项. 要求学生在毕业后或在半学期状态下完成该课程(见下文)。.


Effective starting with the 2021-2022 Academic 一年, 所有申请贷款的学生必须在提交直接贷款确认书之前填写年度学生贷款确认书.

中央卡罗莱纳技术学院将要求您在每个学期填写一份新的确认,并填写一份直接贷款确认表,以申请该学期的贷款资金. 我们的目标是帮助您了解您的贷款以及它们如何影响您的财务未来.

如果这是你的 first time accepting a federal student loan, you are acknowledging that you understand your responsibility to repay your loan.

如果你有 现有的联邦学生贷款, 你承认你明白你欠了多少钱,你有资格借多少钱.

You’ll also see other federal student aid information, 包括利率和还款选项,使管理你的学生贷款更容易, 例如您指定的贷款服务人员.

You can complete the 每年学生贷款通知书 at under the “Complete Aid Process” tab, also available at the following link: /The U/

您必须有您的FSA ID才能登录, 哪个是你用来登录和填写FAFSA的用户名/电子邮件/电话号码和密码.

All student enrolled at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 are 本科生, as we do not offer any graduate or professional programs.


If you are a first-time loan borrower at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院, 您必须在提交直接贷款确认表格之前完成入学咨询.

You can complete the Entrance Counseling at under the “Complete Aid Process” tab, also available at the following link:

您必须有您的FSA ID才能登录, 哪个是你用来登录和填写FAFSA的用户名/电子邮件/电话号码和密码.

All students enrolled at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 are 本科生, as we do not offer any graduate or professional programs.


If you are a first-time loan borrow at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院, 在递交直接贷款确认书之前,你必须填写主本票.

如果原MPN已完成10年,您还必须完成新的MPN, 或者原来的MPN已经过期.

您可以在以下网址完成MPN under the “Complete Aid Process” tab, also available at the following link:

您必须有您的FSA ID才能登录, 哪个是你用来登录和填写FAFSA的用户名/电子邮件/电话号码和密码.

All students enrolled at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 are 本科生, as we do not offer any graduate or professional programs.


All graduating students who borrowed from the Federal Direct Loan Program, and students who have dropped below half-time or cease attending, 必须完成退出咨询会议,以了解偿还贷款的权利和责任. 你也被告知不同的潜在还款计划,可以减少你的贷款支付.

退出咨询可在以下网址完成 在“管理贷款”选项卡下, also available at the following link:

您必须有您的FSA ID才能登录, 哪个是你用来登录和填写FAFSA的用户名/电子邮件/电话号码和密码.

All students enrolled at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 are 本科生 as we do not offer any graduate or professional programs.

Managing Student Loans, no matter where you are in the process:

联邦学生援助尽力使有关联邦学生贷款的所有信息易于获取和理解. is the hub of all things federal funding related, especially federal student loans. “管理贷款”选项卡为您提供快速选项,以了解更多信息或完成您的利益,无论您是刚刚开始, 毕业或还款. 管好你的债务!


Find information about federal student aid (loans and grants) at your fingertips.

  • 应用 for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form
  • 查看你的学生资助(贷款和助学金)
  • 跟踪贷款进度

Federal Student Aid continuously adds features and improvements to the mobile app. Download it on your device for the latest version.